our story
Voluntarios Itinerantes was founded to improve the quality of life of shelter animals. Most of these shelters do not have financial means or sufficient personnel to fulfill their duties. We try to fill that gap with monetary donations, advising, and most of all, volunteers. Our objective is for shelter dogs and cats to live in the best conditions possible which will increase their changes of being adopted.
since 2016
Voluntarios Itinerantes was founded in 2016, but the founding members already had many years of experience volunteering with animals. That’s why we know what shelters need and how we can help. Currently, we collaborate with shelters near Barcelona, and in the future, we hope to go even further. To learn more, see the “Shelters” page.
Our mission
The founders of the association met at one of the shelters with the highest number of volunteers in Catalonia. There was a great number of people who wanted to help, hundreds who signed up each year to become volunteers but did not fulfill their commitment in the long term. The number of volunteers began to decline, and a great deal of human capital was lost. This made us ask ourselves whether one’s motivation for the cause itself should be stronger than the link to the shelter where we are helping. For us, the answer was clear. Where we help is not as important as what we do to help. That’s why we created this association, a space where motivated people can coordinate and act according to their skills and availability. In the “Documents” section you can find our statutes and volunteer plan.

what we do
“For animal welfare in shelters” is our motto, and that is exactly what we work for. The needs are similar at every shelter, but the priorities are not. Some need the dogs to be walked and socialized, others need us to clean and organize their facilities, some reach out to us because they need medication or food, and several times we’ve been asked to build fences or create spaces where the animals can live in better conditions.

What our volunteers do
The functions of our volunteers are many and difficult to classify because the list would be immense. One example of the activities we carry out at the shelters is: walks, cleaning, spending time with the dogs, helping them to socialize, building new areas and/or houses for the dogs, excursions, fundraising, among others. To learn more, read the collaborate section.

How we are funded
Voluntarios Itinerantes is funded by its members as well as donations received at the activities we carry out: concerts, fairs, calendar sales, etc. We do not receive any public help from institutions or businesses. Our management is transparent and our members can always know where the money collected is being invested.
Board of directors

Jaime Mateu
I work as an intercultural mediator with the Chinese community. I am passionate about teamwork and proud to say that I learn a little more every day from the people around me. I am the captain of this ship, but it would be unfair and untrue to say that the idea came solely from me. Voluntarios Itinerantes was already there, but we didn’t know how to give it a name. Now, it doesn’t just have a name, it has a structure and a clear purpose to achieve our goals with maximum transparency and while always learning a little more.

Jordi Pastor
I’m a lover of animals. I collaborate with different associations and, at Voluntarios Itinerantes, I manage the commercial side as well as fundraising at companies. I have worked in sales departments and managed sales teams at companies like Benckiser-Camp, Johnson & Johnson, Agroalimen and L’Oréal. In 2014 I founded Kinetic Films production company in order to work in a sector that has always been my passion.

Marta Morera
I’m the head of Administration and Finance at a German multinational, but I also completed my certification as a veterinary technician in order to broaden my knowledge about my true passion: the care and well-being of animals. In addition to fulfilling my role as the association’s treasurer, I also actively participate in the tasks we carry out at all the shelters where we collaborate.

Francesc Ribes
I’m a journalist, editor, and translator. I collaborate with publishing houses such as Planeta, Anaya, Random House Mondadori, among others. I’m been involved in animal welfare since I adopted my first dog. At Voluntarios Itinerantes, I participate in all communication tasks as well as editing any content or documents created by the association.