by Voluntarios | Aug 2, 2023 | Health, Ideas
Text: Alba Rodrigo Photos: Pexels Summer is still in full swing, and there’s no better plan than a relaxing dip in the sea. Fortunately, Spanish coastal municipalities offer increasingly more dog-friendly beach options. This year, there are 110 pet-friendly beaches,...
by Voluntarios | Jul 13, 2023 | Health, Ideas
Text: Alba RodrigoPhotos: Ruth Zapater (Voluntarios Itinerantes) Many humans and animals are at risk of suffering from heat stroke during the months of July and August. Although most animals have mechanisms to control their body temperature, some may be affected due...
by Voluntarios | Mar 23, 2020 | Health, Ideas
The state of stress that a dog can reach after several hours separated from their figure of reference, their human, is known as separation anxiety. There are different types of separation anxiety and they can be caused by situations such as early weaning, a traumatic...
by Voluntarios | Aug 31, 2018 | Health, Shelters
La desparasitación es algo necesario para cualquier perro o gato doméstico, pero resulta vital cuando se trata de decenas de animales que conviven en un refugio. El objetivo es evitar que los animales contraigan enfermedades transmitidas por garrapatas, mosquitos y...
by Voluntarios | Jul 28, 2018 | Health, Shelters
Todos sabemos lo perjudicial que es un golpe de calor para un perro, pero a veces subestimamos la situación en la que este se puede producir: «lo dejaré en el coche solo 5 minutos, será un paseo corto, intentaré ir por la sombra, beberá agua…». Lo último es útil, pero...